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  • Writer's pictureJessica Foster

Interior Finishes: What Can Go Wrong and Why?

An interior finish helps compliment a home’s overall design, allowing it to be a component that can either make or break a home’s aesthetic. As such, making sure a home’s interior finish is carried out professionally is a must for any homeowner wanting to achieve their envisioned design. The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) has a set of guidelines that can be followed to ensure a home’s interior finish is up to standard.

When it comes to interior wall finish involving gypsum wallboard or drywall, there may be cracks. According to performance guidelines, drywall cracks greater than 1/16 inch in width are excessive. Along with cracks, some other common occurrences are nail pops, blisters, and other blemishes that adorn a finished wall or ceiling. While some minor blemishes don’t require repair, any that are visible from a standing position 6 feet away under normal lighting conditions are considered excessive and need repair. Some blemishes should be expected due to a wall’s stabilization. When drywall is initially placed on lumber surfaces, which is subject to shrinkage and warpage, it may be strained while the lumber stabilizes. It’s suggested to wait for the lumber to stabilize before trying to fix any issues as they most likely will just reoccur.

Other things that can pop up in drywall are cracked corner beads, excess joint compound, trowel marks, and blisters in tape joints. Performance guidelines state that defects resulting in any of these occurrences are excessive, so if any of the above is noticed, repair is necessary. Another observation is joints protruding from the surface. Joints shouldn’t be visible from a standing position 6 feet away under normal lighting conditions or they are excessive. It’s important to note that visible joints are common in long walls, stairwells, ceilings, and areas of two-story homes where framing members have shrunk, causing the drywall to protrude.

Sometimes, when using gypsum wallboard, the texture may not match. If a variation of texture is detectable from 6 feet away under normal lighting conditions, it is considered excessive by performance guidelines. Sprayed and textured ceilings may also have uneven textures. Unlike gypsum wallboard, this is a more common condition that inherently happens when random materials are used. As such, this doesn’t require repair.

There are a handful of issues that can pop up when it comes to interior finish. As such, preventative measures such as utilizing professional services are great methods to ensure interior finish is done correctly. Here at Fine Remodeling, we are your Delaware contractor experienced with these performance guidelines to help make your construction project up to code. Not only that, but we are dedicated to going beyond so that your renovation project is more than just satisfactory. Get in touch with us about your next renovation project so you can be sure it's done right the first time.

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